Franck Le Boulicaut


Aligre street butchery in Paris . 油彩畫布Oil on Canvas . 50x50cm 2017


Padaria popular 81x54cm油彩畫布  2016

Notre-Dame de Paris 120x60cm油彩畫布  2015

La_sieste 61x38cm 油彩畫布  2012

Aligre street in Paris 120x60cm 油彩畫布  2014

Mr. Franck LE BOULICAUT是一位具備繪畫與素描的優秀藝術家,同時也身兼音樂家和作曲家;透過自學與創意,融合了多位知名法國畫家筆觸;光(Light)是Franck創作中最鍾愛的元素, 以“alla prima”(一次性畫法) 多元面貌發揮在作品中。

Franck LE BOULICAUT, a multidisciplinary French artist, is a self-taught, creative artist who has studied under some famous French painters, and due to his love of “light” tries to imitate in his own way the works of Le Caravage, Cézanne, John Singer Sargent.

His paintings are done “alla prima” and, although they are figurative, show a certain precision in the composition (a balance in mass, placement and color) as well as a clear taste for imprecision in his brush strokes.

• 2018年法國秋季藝術沙龍展入選